Ultranews #09
Since 1988, the De Sono association, part of the large Ultraspace PO family, has been dedicated to music. Concerts, publishing products, master classes and scholarships. The new concert season.
De Sono’s mission is to provide growth and training opportunities for young musicians. This nonprofit association, headquartered at via Po 14 in Turin, has been supporting musicians since 1988 through scholarships to further their studies in Italy and abroad. They finance the publication of the best theses in musicology and doctoral research, organize masterclasses with renowned teachers to deepen instrument study, and plan concert activities to showcase emerging talents. De Sono also promotes educational projects for various target audiences, with a particular focus on music education.
These opportunities are always offered inclusively and free of charge.
Furthermore, De Sono’s educational efforts extend to the audiences of the future through specific projects that educate students in secondary schools and universities. One such project is Livemotiv, launched at the end of 2021 in partnership with the Agnelli Foundation. It offers live workshops and concert-style lessons with young musicians for students and teachers in secondary schools throughout Italy.
The concert seasons always highlight new talents and feature interesting thematic programs, open to the public for free.
The new season of the association will be announced on September 29th at 11:30 AM at Ultraspazio Club, Palazzo Costa Carrù della Trinità, in Via S. Francesco da Paola 17.
You can find the complete 2023/24 program on their website www.desono.it
Instagram: @desonoassociazioneperlamusica
Facebook: @De Sono Associazione per la Musica.