Ultranews #11
How does the physical environment affect productivity in the workplace?
From lighting discomfort to overcrowding, from indoor air pollution to noise, to poor temperature and humidity management. These were the topics of last September’s webinar entitled.
ULTRASPAZIO has always aimed to have ‘Healthy workplaces for productivity, health and safety in the workplace’, organised by Prospecta Formazione in cooperation with InfobuildEnergia and Home Health & Hi-Tech.
Watch the full video: https://youtu.be/T7owDc96mEI?feature=shared
From single offices to open-plan spaces, the many different types of workplaces present specific problems and health risks. Problems that impact on health and thus also on the productivity of employees and co-workers. What is the role of neuroscience and biophilia applied to architecture?
Is there scientific evidence that correlates the quality of the office environment with workers’ health? What design approaches, guidelines and technologies are available to make workplaces safe, going beyond common practice? The webinar ‘Healthy places for productivity, health and safety in the workplace’, organised by Prospecta Formazione in cooperation with InfobuildEnergia and Home Health & Hi-Tech sought to find answers. Speakers included Damiano Sanelli – environmental technician and ATTA Technical Manager, Architect Davide Ruzzon – designer and expert in neuroscience applied to architecture – Architect Christian Tramonti – designer and CasaClima consultant – and Engineer Aldo Fumi of Assoclima. Moderators of the event Maria Chiara Voci and Andrea Dell’Orto of Home Health and Hi-Tech. The objective of the webinar is to promote awareness of the need for healthier, more functional and comfortable workplaces, and which are able to go beyond regulatory requirements by aiming at broader horizons of wellbeing, as suggested by the ESG sustainability assessment criteria, to which companies will soon be subject.