Ultranews #04
Our project – an example of Proptech, i.e. technology applied to the management of assets to restore their value – is one of the innovative case histories selected by REbuild 2023 in the start-up section, curated by Alberto Mattiello. As part of the event, which has been held at Riva del Garda for ten years and talks about innovation in the building and real estate industry in Italy, we will be the protagonists on Tuesday 9 May at 6 pm.
After having participated in the call to action published on the website of REbuild 2023, the event that in Italy has been speaking and reflecting on innovation in the building and real estate sector for ten years, today we can announce that Ultraspazio has been selected among the five start-ups/technological realities that will take the stage at the event and present themselves to the public. The announcement was in the air, even if it was not possible to formalise it: last March Ultraspazio hosted – as all the readers of this newsletter know – the press conference of the Trentino event in the setting of the Benvenuto Family Restaurant in Milan, a restaurant that becomes an office during closing hours (in the Milan, Monza, Venaria Reale and Rivalta locations) and that has signed an agreement for the management of bookings through Ultrapp with Ultraspazio.
REbuild is scheduled to take place in Riva del Garda on 9 and 10 May. Proptech and the evolution of urban spaces, with experiences of the calibre of Ultraspazio, will be protagonists in the programme of the Trentino meeting.
Our intervention is scheduled for 9 May in the 6 p.m. session in the Sala Vela and will be led by Alberto Mattiello, member of REbuild’s Scientific Committee and expert in technology and business innovation (he is the author of “Customer Success”, “Mind The Change”, “Marketing Thinking” and “Marketing Psychology Behind Profit”, as well as editor of the Italian edition of the MIT Sloan books). It was Mattiello himself who had the task of selecting the five cases to be hosted on stage at this 2023 edition of the event, from among the numerous applications received by Riva del Garda Fiere e Congressi, promoter of the two-day event.
Below is the abstract of the slot. We also invite you to register for REbuild 2023!!!
And we point out the entire programme (if you do not know it). PROGRAM
Innovation and start-ups in the construction sector
Tuesday 9 May 2023 18:00 to 19:00 – 1 hr (Europe/Rome)
The SAIL Room
The entire construction industry has always appeared as a sleeping giant refractory to change and innovation. This, at least to less attentive observers, in reality the entire construction industry has always historically been traversed by new initiatives, technologies and innovative methods or materials. What was perhaps lacking was an underlying awareness, a sense of common urgency and something that could bring the various pieces together and make them dialogue. Now, however, it is the entire industry that seems to want to look to the future with fresh eyes because alongside product and process innovation there is the digital world that is driving and systemising the various transformations taking place. In fact, the most interesting start-ups and technologies in the sector, with their increasingly massive use of data, are stimulating and connecting the entire supply chain, from design to production to the innovative management of the realised product.