Ultranews #05
The Tree of Life: Imagining the future
On 26, 27 and 28 May, Ultraspazio Club hosts ‘The Tree of Life’, an art exhibition that uses digital scenarios and artificial intelligence to understand how humans could become through the hybridisation of human and artificial.
Ultraspazio Club is the laboratory of Ultraspazio (the coworking where, when, how you want) housed in a courtly building in the centre of Turin, where new ideas related to the extraordinary change in which we are immersed are experimented. Changing ways of working, changing rigid barriers between human and artificial, change induced by new technologies and now, thanks to the arrival of artificial intelligence, change not only in our lives but in our thoughts.
Starting in May, this space began its journey towards the frontiers of this change where our identity ‘hybridises’ with technological and philosophical innovation. On 9 May, it hosted a debate between Don Luca Peyron (a brilliant intellectual figure who surfs the waves of technology pushed by the wind of his religious vocation) and Vittorio Di Tomaso (a high-tech entrepreneur and President of the Gruppo Aziende ICT dell’Unione Industriali Torino). The theme was “Artificial Intelligence: danger or opportunity?”. The result was a meeting/clash that was very in-depth but also full of complicity and humour.
On 26, 27 and 28 May, Ultraspazio Club will take a further step towards deepening its knowledge by hosting ‘The Tree of Life’, an art exhibition that uses digital scenarios and artificial intelligence to understand how man might become through the hybridisation of human and artificial.
Art often prefigures change, which is why we asked a curator, Simone Sensi, to involve four artists: Andrea Crespi, Giuseppe Lo Schiavo, Leonardo Petrucci and Mitch Laurenzana to draw four scenarios of possible futures. The result is a ‘futuristic-futuristic’ tale of commingling, fusion and contamination between man, nature and technology.
In addition, on 27 May, starting at 18.00, Ultraspazio Club will host a talk in which Lord Truffington, a collector and curator living in London, will talk about art as an economic and emotional investment, Cosimo Accoto, a philosopher who explores technological evolution, will draw maps of meaning, and one of the artists in the exhibition, Mitch Laurenzana, will present some of his ‘aliens’.
Dinamo Camp will explain how, using art, happiness can be given to children and adolescents suffering from chronic illnesses and another artist in the exhibition, Andrea Crespi, will talk about his experience with the Camp children with whom he invented-reinvented a huge ‘unexpected’ Michelangelo’s David.
In the background of the exhibition and the talk a key question: “Will the enormous change in which we are immersed make us more or less free, safe, welcoming and happy?”. It wouldn’t hurt to start thinking about it….
Turin, via San Francesco da Paola 17
“The Tree of Life”
26 May 6 pm opening
27 May 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. exhibition and 6 p.m. talk
28 May 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. exhibition